IPVanish w/Panel

Multi | Panel | Username & Password

Now available! Panelled IPVanish APK with DNS login!! This is the official IPVanish app with my own custom authentication added to allow DNS users and manually entered users to login without knowing IPVanish details

This app uses your DNS to allow users to log into IPVanish and grabs login details from the panel which you set – so they can use the full IPVanish app but never see the login – it also checks every time they open the app so as soon as their subscription expires, so does their access to the VPN. Multi DNS capable and can also create manual accounts in the panel.

Split tunelling support – this means users can add their IPTV apps to run through the VPN but still leave BBC iPlayer etc using their normal connection

You just need one/more IPVanish accounts to add to the panel. Accounts assigned randomly so if you have many it will automatically spread the load.

In a way it works like the Cinema  app w/panel.   You add your iptv url to the app panel and login using your iptv credentials or create an account on the app panel and provide it to your users